I have been playing chess now for 50 years , and had my first Chess computer in 1980 , a little thing called Sargon 2 , it really was a weak little thing but I realized that it was the first of its kind and that the Future was going to bring more and more until todays Computer Chess Revolution
when we Humans are no longer at the top of the Chess mountain ! A sad day perhaps , but inevatable , and Hiarcs
is very near that Summit or sharing it
with a few of its Kind ! This Chess of the very best order . The only chance I have of winning at the Highest level is getting off the main lines as quickly as possible , throwing something very weird at and hopeing for the Best , it has worked a few times , but mostly
Ive been toast very quickly !
So hats off to the Development Team , you have done a great Job !!
Hal2525 about HIARCS Chess